Trials In Tainted Space Uveto Probe

Tiwick's Trials in Tainted Space Episode 18 – Dr Badger's plans for Penny by Tiwick Thepurplecabbit. A save editor for the game Trials in Tainted Space. TiTsEd allows you to edit your character's stats, and possibly other things in the future. Trials in Tainted Space. Contribute to Eliria/Trials-in-Tainted-Space development by creating an account on GitHub. Tiwick the purple cabbit returns to Trials in Tainted Space with this let's play series. A text-based adventure game with a 'furries in space' theme.

A military-grade, Steele Tech-branded data probe.


In the spirit of the Planet Rush, Victor has placed data probes in undisclosed locations on each planet-of-interest for Captain Steele to find. Each probe is gene-locked and can only be accessed using biometrics. Upon opening, they will reveal data containing coordinates of the next probe. Essentially, the trail of probes will lead to Victor's personal probe, which contains an encrypted key that opens his deposit box in the Tavros Station bank, winning the rights to inherit his company and his accumulated fortune.

Captain Steele isn't alone in the hunt however--A rival cousin, offspring of Victor's greedy brother Maximilian Steele, has also made an appearance to beat Steele to the fortune. Due to similar genetics, the cousin can also access the information in the probes. If Steele is interested in the fortune Victor has set out, Steele can choose to capture each probe before the rival does and ultimately claim the boon.

Trials In Tainted Space Uveto Probe



Each data probe, or pod, can be found in sequence from the main story's questline:

  • First Pod: East jungle of Mhen'ga, at the end of a narrow path.
    • After beating Dane in combat, it can be reclaimed for a bounty of 10,000 credits.
  • Second Pod: Auctioned in Shekka's shop after the Stellar Tether mission.
    • After attaining the probe, it can be reclaimed for a bounty of 20,000 credits, sold to Shekka for 14,000 credits, or given to Shekka.
  • Third Pod: Located at Queen Taivra's Palace in the Deep Caverns of Myrellion.
    • After defeating Taivra in combat or after marrying her and negotiating to give her a replacement throne, it can be reclaimed for a bounty of 20,000 credits.
  • Fourth Pod: Located in the cargohold of 'The Sidewinder' in the Scaffolds of Zheng Shi.
    • Unlike the previous pods, the pirates of Zheng Shi recognized the potential value of the pod. Even though they couldn't access it, they did seal it away in a cargohold of The Sidewinder in the Scaffolds behind a highly advanced encryption lock, meaning that it can only be accessed after obtaining the password from the LDC or by using an even more advanced decryption software. The Sidewinder's hatchway to the Captain's Quarters is also locked and needs advanced decryption software or Dr. Teyaal's key card so that you can meet the LDC. Also, unlike the previous pods, you can't sell this one back to Steele Tech since, realistically, some poor transport unit can't come all the way to a top-secret, heavily fortified Pirate Base in the middle of an asteroid, in the middle of nowhere, in space.
  • Fifth Pod: ???
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Uveto VII
PlanetUveto Station
Level Range7-10


Uveto VII is a moon orbiting the furthest gas giant in the Siretta system. While the system was opened in the 10th planet rush and many of its terrestrial planets were terraformed, the early settlers ignored Uveto VII as it appeared a frozen wasteland with nothing of interest on its surface. Nowadays several companies mine the frozen moon for its precious resources. These companies include RhenWorld, Akkadi and Xenogen. Largely covered in ice, with an internal ocean and wracked by extreme seasonal lightning storms, the planet is hostile and unforgiving -- but promises great riches to those who can brave its dangers.

  • 2Places of Interest
  • 5Inhabitants

Places of Interest

  • Ship Hangar - Location of the customs office.
  • Space Lift - Travel point between the station and the moon's surface.
  • Korg’ii Hold - Prominent village of the Korgonne peoples.


Map of Uveto Station
  • Uveto Station - The entry point to Uveto.
    • Ship Hangar
    • Space Lift
    • The Last Chance - Nerrasa
    • RhenWorld Stellar Excavations Offices
    • Carbonado - Gwen and Eimear
    • Vava Groom - Cruff and Estie
Map of Irestead.
Various points on the east side lead to the icy plains and frozen tundras.
  • Irestead - The living center on Uveto.
    • Space Lift
    • Sheriffs Office
    • Steele Tech Biomedical Division
    • Geological Survey Tower
    • The Freezer
    • Hunter’s Dream
    • Spinarran Silk & Steel
    • Maglev Station
    • Pippa's residence

Trials In Tainted Space Uveto Probe Project

Map of the icy plains.

Trials In Tainted Space Uveto Probe 3

  • Icy Plains - The frigid wilds of Uveto.
    • Snowbank
      • Snowbank Cave
      • Ice-Hewn Cavern
    • Ice Ridge
      • Crashed Probe
      • Village Entrance
      • Tower Road
      • Relay Tower
    • Lakeside
      • The Ice Lake
    • Winding Paths
      • Abandoned Camp
    • Glacial Rift
Map of the frozen tundra.
  • Frozen tundra - The frigid wilds of Uveto.
    • Lonesome Tent - Kazra & Lorre Trading Post
    • Krym's Campsite
      • Relay Tower
    • Frozen Coast - Frostwyrm Territory
    • Hidden Path
      • Hidden Cave


Note that Uveto is an extremely cold and inhospitable environment with a dynamic weather system. Traversing on the surface will inflict cold damage to an unprotected Steele, with the damage varying based on where Steele is and what Steele is currently wearing. Details of how much the cold affects Steele is outlined below:

Freezing Hazard
LocationBase Damage
(per minute)
Outdoor 0.5 25%
Icy Tundra 1.0 35%
Frozen Tundra 1.0 50%
Freezing Hazard Modifiers
Condition Damage Multiplier
Skin Type
Fur(base damage) * 0.5
Chitin or Scales(base damage) * 1.25
Goo or Latex(base damage) * 1.5
Nude(base damage) * 2.0
Not Nude nakedness = 1
No armor: (nakedness) + 0.333
No upper garment or chest is exposed: (nakedness) + 0.333
No lower garment or crotch/ass is exposed: (nakedness) + 0.333
(base damage) * (nakedness)

Steele can completely resist the cold damage if Steele's freezing resistance surpasses the resistance threshold or if Steele is wearing a heat belt.

Natural Hazards

In addition to having to maintain high insulation in order to withstand the blistering cold of Uveto, the player must also be prepared for all kinds of natural occurrences that may prove hazardous to the player's health.

Trials in tainted space uveto probe probes
Freezing Hazard Modifiers
Hazard Description Effect
Slippery Ice The player will encounter slippery ice.
  • If the player fails a Reflexes test, they will slip and take 15 points of kinetic/crushing damage.
Sudden Snow Storm The player will encounter a blizzard.
  • Lasts 1 in-game hour.
  • Decreases accuracy of ranged attacks by 25%
  • Increases the necessary threshold to resist Uveto's cold to 50%
Lightning Strike The player will encounter an electrical storm and be struck by lightning.
  • If the player has active shields protecting them, then the shield will burst.
  • If the player has no shield generator equipped or 0 shield points, they will take 45 points of electrical damage.

The player has a low chance to slip on ice in any outdoor location on the surface of Uveto. The player will only encounter blizzards and electrical storms in the Icy Plains and Frozen Tundra zones of Uveto. Before either of these Hazards manifest the player will receive a warning notification on their Codex that it's getting cloudy and a storm is brewing. For the next hour, the player will have a 53.3% chance of encountering a snowstorm or electrical storm in the Icy Plains and a 66% chance to encounter one in the Frozen Tundra. The player will only be able to effectively predict incoming storms with their Codex if they completed Nayna's Weather Drone Recovery Quest.


Uveto's population consists of native wildlife, cosmic settlers, researchers, government security, and industrial employees and financiers.


Trials In Tainted Space Uveto Probe Model

  • Anyxine Rhenesunne - RhenWorld vice president.
  • Astra - Shade's daughter.
  • Beatrice Reasner - a normal human woman, space captain, and fellow planet rusher.
  • Belle - A scientist working on mind control collars.
  • Chrissy - A gamer-girl at The Freezer.
  • Cruff - A groomer and owner at Vava Groom
  • Cynthia - Steele Tech employee working in the Steele Biomedical offices with Walt and Doctor Lessau.
  • Estie - Cruff's pet
  • Galina - Scientist working for Steele Tech.
  • Gwen and Eimear - Shopkeepers who work at Carbonado.
  • Hana - Bartender at The Freezer.
  • Jerome - Man drinking at The Freezer.
  • Jerynn - A patron at The Freezer.
  • Kazra & Lorre - a couple running a trading post out in the south-eastern region of the Icy Plains on Uveto.
  • Kirila - Shopkeeper at the Spinarran Silk & Steel.
  • Krym - A Stormguard Valkyrie guarding the northern Icy Plains.
  • Doctor Lessau - Research scientist working in the Steele Tech laboratory.
  • Marina - Scientist working for Akkadi R&D.
  • Nayna - Climatologist working in the Geological Survey tower.
  • Nerrasa - Shopkeeper at The Last Chance.
  • Pippa - A masseuse providing thermal massages to protect against the cold.
  • Roxy - A Laquine Roller Derby player found near the Racetrack, with a fetish for breeding and power-bottoming.
  • Shade - Owns a home on Uveto.
  • Synphia - Steeletech/Rhenworld contracted ship mechanic
  • Tlako - Management receptionist at the Camarilla office.
  • Vark - An exiled Milodan male living alone in a cave.
  • Walt - Steele Tech employee working in the Steele Biomedical offices with Chrissy and Doctor Lessau.
  • Xotchi - Management liasion at the Camarilla office.


Trials In Tainted Space Uveto Probe

Trials In Tainted Space Uveto Probe 2

General Strategy: All of the hostiles on Uveto have naturally evolved to be excellent at insulating heat to be very resistant to the bitter cold. As such, most of them have 50-100% immunity towards freezing damage. Conversely, they aren't used to extreme heats and their insulating fur can be highly flammable, meaning that they are vulnerable to burning attacks. Mating habits of the native sapients cause individuals to only really get in the mood if they can smell someone of the opposite sex is emitting pheromones from Heat or Rut. As such, tease attacks by default are ineffective against most enemies unless the player has a decent pheromone score. The Uvetans use Barbarian weapons such as axes, clubs, spears, and knives. Unlike the M'hengan's however, a lot more of the natives have been accepting of alien technology, so it is to be expected that they may be armed with the occasional basic firearm and Shield generator.

  • Korgonnes - Dwarf-like people who roam the tundra.
  • Milodans - Sabertooth beast people who roam the tundra.
  • Stormguard Warriors - Followers of the Stormguard religion.
  • Frostwyrms - Massive amphibious reptiles inhabiting the eastern coastline.
  • Lurelings - Terrifying psychic amphibians swimming beneath the ice.

Trials In Tainted Space Uveto Probe Found

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