Descargar Biblia Sefer Davar Pdf Gratis

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Descargar Biblia Sefer Davar Pdf Gratis

Fixed problems in searching in Deuterocanonical books - buffer overflow bug. This resulted in bad coloring of results and unstability of program, in some special modules (e.g. released JB2012 module).
Recommended update:
If you want to keep all Davar4 settings: Backup your davar.cfg file first. It is typically placed in ProgramDataDavar4 folder.
Then uninstall Davar4 - in dialog of uninstallation leave UNCHECKED options to Uninstall modules (and optionaly pictures and audio). Your modules will not be uninstalled.
Then install new version of Davar4 from installation file.
Optionally, replace installed davar.cfg by the file from your backup.

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